Equal Care

Gentell Equal Care offers long-term care facilities an easy and cost effective way to obtain advanced wound care products for residents whose insurance does not otherwise cover them, and who would need to rely on the facility stock, such as: Medicare Part A residents, skilled residents and residents with straight Medicaid.

This program empowers healthcare professionals, improves outcomes and manages costs.


Meeting the Needs of Residents, Caregivers and Long-Term Care Facilities

Treatment recommendations and supplies conform to wound care best practices and are tailored to the characteristics of the wound. Supplies are shipped in patient specific packages to make wound care simple and efficient for the caregiver.

Gentell Equal Care is a monthly, flat-rate program based on average facility census, thereby helping the facility plan for and control costs.


Treatments Tailored to the Characteristics of the Wound

The characteristics of the wound dictate the products provided through Gentell Equal Care. We follow the recommendations of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), the moist wound healing technique, and Medicare and other insurance guidelines.

Our Wound and Product Specialists provide clinical support, treatment recommendations and education about the proper selection and utilization of wound care supplies.


Best-in-Class Wound Care Supplies

Our formulary of wound care supplies includes:

  • Collagen
  • Hydrogel
  • Calcium Alginate (with and without silver)
  • Fiber Dressings
  • Super Absorbent Dressings
  • Silicone Foam
  • A full range of foam and gauze dressings
  • Specialty dressings
  • Selected traditional wound care supplies
  • Wound cleanser

Meeting the Needs of Residents, Caregivers and Long-Term Care Facilities

Treatment recommendations and supplies conform to wound care best practices and are tailored to the characteristics of the wound. Supplies are shipped in patient specific packages to make wound care simple and efficient for the caregiver.

Gentell Equal Care is a monthly, flat-rate program based on average facility census, thereby helping the facility plan for and control costs.


Treatments Tailored to the Characteristics of the Wound

The characteristics of the wound dictate the products provided through Gentell Equal Care. We follow the recommendations of the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP), the moist wound healing technique, and Medicare and other insurance guidelines.

Our Wound and Product Specialists provide clinical support, treatment recommendations and education about the proper selection and utilization of wound care supplies.


Best-in-Class Wound Care Supplies

Our formulary of wound care supplies includes:

  • Collagen
  • Hydrogel
  • Calcium Alginate (with and without silver)
  • Fiber Dressings
  • Super Absorbent Dressings
  • Silicone Foam
  • A full range of foam and gauze dressings
  • Specialty dressings
  • Selected traditional wound care supplies
  • Wound cleanser

Taking the Guesswork Out of Wound Care

Residents receive the supplies they need for a single month of treatment in one delivery. Our resident-specific packages take the guesswork out of wound care, and include a primary dressing, secondary dressing and wound cleanser based on available products that follow coverage guidelines.