Clinical Education

Since 1994, Gentell’s promise has been to “make it better” by helping to heal wounds and making better wound care products. With that comes a commitment to providing educational resources to our customers so that patients can benefit from the latest and best wound care treatments and products.


Wound Care Protocols

Our most popular education resources are wound care protocols and usage guidelines which are regularly updated with best practices and insurance guidelines. These come in laminated sets which easily attach to a nursing cart and provide quick access to vital wound care information.


Wound Advisor

Wound Advisor is a comprehensive guide of wound care information that includes our wound management algorithm, treatment protocols, the latest NPIAP staging guideline, as well as information on all of our advanced wound care and skin care products. Copies of Wound Advisor are available from your Gentell representative.


Monthly Wound Care Insider Newsletter

A monthly publication focused on a single important wound care topic such as unusual skin conditions, lower leg wounds, delayed healing, and many more. Newsletters are available from your Gentell representative.


In Service Presentations

Our wound care experts provide in service education on a variety of topics. We can also develop custom presentations for specific training needs. Some of our most popular topics are:

  • Basics of Wound Assessment
  • Assessing the Skin in Skilled Facilities
  • Wound Documentation
  • Skin Integrity and Wound Management
  • Dressing Selection
  • The Why of Pressure Injuries for CNAs

Continuing Education Events

Issues in Chronic Wound Care: Regulatory and Beyond is a continuing education course that is offered multiple times a year in different parts of the country. Content content includes pressure injury imposters, end of life wounds, and how to accurately identify chronic wounds. This course provides 4 CEs, expert presentations and interactive education.


Wound Care Protocols

Our most popular education resources are wound care protocols and usage guidelines which are regularly updated with best practices and insurance guidelines. These come in laminated sets which easily attach to a nursing cart and provide quick access to vital wound care information.


Wound Advisor

Wound Advisor is a comprehensive guide of wound care information that includes our wound management algorithm, treatment protocols, the latest NPIAP staging guideline, as well as information on all of our advanced wound care and skin care products. Copies of Wound Advisor are available from your Gentell representative.


Monthly Wound Care Insider Newsletter

A monthly publication focused on a single important wound care topic such as unusual skin conditions, lower leg wounds, delayed healing, and many more. Newsletters are available from your Gentell representative.


In Service Presentations

Our wound care experts provide in service education on a variety of topics. We can also develop custom presentations for specific training needs. Some of our most popular topics are:

  • Basics of Wound Assessment
  • Assessing the Skin in Skilled Facilities
  • Wound Documentation
  • Skin Integrity and Wound Management
  • Dressing Selection
  • The Why of Pressure Injuries for CNAs

Continuing Education Events

Issues in Chronic Wound Care: Regulatory and Beyond is a continuing education course that is offered multiple times a year in different parts of the country. Content content includes pressure injury imposters, end of life wounds, and how to accurately identify chronic wounds. This course provides 4 CEs, expert presentations and interactive education.

Wound Education Center Handouts

Our Wound Education Center handouts are a go-to resource for specialty topics in wound care because they are succinct and informative with lots of reference photos. They can be used for staff training or as a reference tool.

  • Wound Assessment
  • Management Guidelines for Lower Extremity Wounds
  • Management Guidelines for Skin Tears
  • Quantifying Wound Exudate
  • “How to Use” handouts for different types of advanced wound care products: Collagens/Calcium Alginates/Hydrogels; Honey/Foam; Composites/Hydrocolloids/Films
  • Preparing for a State Survey: Best Practices for Wound Care